Honest Scrap

I have just received the Honest Scrap award from JanyeceNatalie,  CateAlanHeidi , J. Koyanagi, and Regan.  This is not because I’m wildly popular (although I often let myself dream that these fine writers and I mingle at upscale parties, and man, is my repartee sparkling!) but because I was hecka slow at posting the Honest Scrap.  So with no further ado, here are ten honest things about myself.

1. I keep a wooden crocodile under my bed.  It is beside my husband’s wooden stingray.

2. I was traumatized as a child when I went into the woodsy part of town and found a decapitated male peacock.

3. I named my daughter Nina after a Tekken character.  I used to beat both my father and my brother at Tekken every day after school.

4. My son is named Nikolai after the main character in what was going to be my first novel.  It is a very dark, post apocalyptic thing, but I haven’t written it yet.  This character has shown up in two short stories and one of them took first place in a small writing contest.

5. Speaking of names, my mother wanted to name me Montessa. It was my father (whose name is Harley, no joke) who chose Mercedes.

6. I have never made a pot of coffee in my life.  I quite simply don’t know how.

7. I’ve had every haircut and color that you have ever seen.  Yes, a boy’s caesar cut.  Yes, anime spikes. Yes, blue.

8. You guys heard my song for KM Walton?  I sound like an eight year old, right?  I’m an alto in real life.  I was in a chamber choir for a couple of years.  My “real” singing voice has a very full, dark sound, and you would do a double take if you heard me singing something from John Rutter’s Requiem, for example.  Tough to believe, I know.  But it’s true.

9. I used to hate high heels because I was taller than everybody. I always wore flats.

10. I’m still friends with all of my old boyfriends.  This surprises some people.

Okay!  Ten things about me.  Now let’s hear ten things about you!  I tag YOU!  Post the Honest Scrap picture on your blog and dish your dirt. Be sure to drop a comment so that I know you’re doing it.  I’d love to come and see what you have to say. 🙂

22 Comments on “Honest Scrap”

  1. You’re just all kinds of awesome like that. Come on… All your boyfriends? Does otfjlhgi really count?

    *The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Or not so innocent. Oh, you get the idea.

  2. That’s… just… the strangest of things that your dad’s name is Harley. Really, just… odd. Very cool, too. But odd. Yes. Definitely odd. My conception of the universe is taking a tiny little shift right now as I try to fit that info into my worldview…

    Okay, done. Thanks for waiting.

    And remind me never to visit you in the morning. You can’t make coffee? How do you survive the day? Oh. Pepsi Max. Forgot, sorry. Still, I can’t drink that, so just learn how to make coffee, would ya?

  3. I’m not sure, Ken. I think that I might be terrified. 😛 Actually, you’re fascinating. Some of the things that you let drop about yourself just blow my mind. That’s why I stalk you.

    Jaym! I’m so glad you did Honest Scrap! That was a really fun post to read. Now I’m going to go fantasize about your psychopaths.

    Like I said, Cate, you had me at sparkles, high heels, and hot pants.

    Nisa- Everybody makes mistakes. Or do I have to bring up a certain BOY FROM JUNIOR HIGH?!

    Simon, this is my father.


    He has tattoos and rides a motorcycle and has long hair. Imagine how MY paradigm shifted when I met *our* Harley! I nearly fell off the side of the universe! And if you come to Vegas, I will make you a pot of coffee! And then I’ll treat you to Starbucks or somewhere to make up for it.

    K.M.- Sorry for shrieking on your blog. I like lipstick. A lot.

    Natalie- They keep the stuffed shark in line. He’s wiley.

    1. Hey Mercedes – Done and Done!

      The award is totally well deserved! Dig the fun girl! Thanks for the idea.

      I linkity-linked my blog back to yours!

      Happy writing and congrats on the 52 Stitches story!


  4. Before I post my own Honest Scrap, then come back to link, I have a question: would the wooden crocodile or stingray prove victorious in a fight to the death?

  5. I’d love to hear you sing a snippet Rutter’s Requiem – that’s a tough one.

    Great post here.

    Hmmm, dare I accept the challenge and do 10 honest things? why not…

    funny about the gator and sting ray.

  6. Mercedes,

    You’re going to have to let me hear your ‘real’ singing voice. It’s a have to! You can think of it as a dare.

  7. I missed this one initially and only backread it after reading Ken’s….mainly to see if the glitter-poo thing was true. I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little disappointed that it is in fact not true. Damn that Ken….and his warped creativity.

  8. Hey Mercedes – Done and Done!

    The award is totally well deserved! Dig the fun girl! Thanks for the idea.

    I linkity-linked my blog back to yours!

    Happy writing and congrats on the 52 Stitches story!


  9. Pingback: The darker side of the fire.

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