The One Year Anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting

I’ve been unsettled all week and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then my Facebook memories showed me a picture of my husband, daughter, and I at the Imagine Dragons concert downtown. My body went cold, then hot. I started to panic. I couldn’t breathe. My heart was beating too hard, too fast, and irregularly. Two days before the … Read More

Join Us for the #VegasStrong Book Signing!

Do you remember where you were during the mass shooting as Las Vegas? I do. A week before that, we had taken my 10-year-old down to that area for a concert. The morning of the shooting, I was in that area with my parents. I was participating in a book reading and it was their first time watching me. They … Read More

Desert Companion: Mercedes M. Yardley's "My Space"

The Desert Companion ran a piece on my writing space in their December issue.  Scott Dickensheets did a write-up of all of my various odds and ends while Brent Holmes threw himself on the floor to take some pictures of my teeny, tiny little area. My writing space is literally the corner of my bedroom. I found myself apologizing. “I’m sorry … Read More